Trump Rolls Back ACA Protections

       President Trump ripped up part of an Obama-era healthcare legislation that protected members of the LGBTQ community.  Journalists, activists, and political pundits knew that is was coming, but were still blindsided with the timing of it.  Many people interpreted this roll back as a second phase to President Trump’s Christian photo opportunity that he recently partook in.  Others are saying that it is a last-ditch effort to cater to a base that has supported the President before and during his tenure.  Whatever the rationale is for this recent act by the President, the lawsuits and protesting has begun.  Critics of the President are also saying that the overall good of the public was not considered because of the coronavirus pandemic and the healthcare issues that are abundant.  

      This removal of certain healthcare rights has also baffled many organizations and practitioners in the field, as they now have to deny care and be the bearers of bad news for many people.  Healthcare has never been a priority for the President, and during these troubled times many citizens are questioning the President’s moral compass more so than before.

      The judgement toward the President’s morality is based on this cut being delivered during the time of the four year anniversary of the mass shooting at the Pulse Nightclub in Orlando, Florida, where forty-nine people perished, as well as during Pride Month.  The killings were a terroristic plot based on hatred toward the LGBTQ community.  The full response from the Republican Party has yet to come about.  No party members have yet to fully come out and blast the President, but political pundits and others are expecting this to happen.    

                              Source:  Public Domain
