The Social Ecology of the Criminal Politician in Washington, D.C.

         Washington, D.C. is like an infectious disease and the politicians and money givers are the bacteria that spread the infection throughout the United States and rest of the world.  These legislators and lobbyists conjure to see which social issues should be created in the country, to learn which organization is giving them money to manufacture an important issue, and to make a plan in order to carry out the efforts by the donors who need laws or attention directed toward them.  Essentially, the nation’s capital is infested with corruption, greed, and criminal activities that cause more harm than what any street-level criminal does and these “political” behaviors transfer into the various parts of the United States, as well as globally, and infect individuals in a massive-widespread fashion.  This can be can easily noticed with deliberate actions against gun control, tax cuts for the wealthy, discrimination against the LGBT community, elimination of environmental/climate protections, support for off-shore drilling, blatant corruption by law enforcers, drug laws, the maintaining of private corrections businesses, mass incarceration, and healthcare policies that cater to insurance and pharmaceutical companies.
Think about it.  Federal politicians cause more problems for society than good, and they do it on purpose to keep busy and present themselves as diligent public officials who are fighting for a cause.  The problem is the that the cause is made up by them, and their authority is given to them by political donors and jackass Americans who actually think that these politicians care about them and do things to make their lives better.  Moreover, politicians in both political parties do this on such a large scale that it has become the norm in political endeavors in Washington, D.C.  In other words, criminality is being conducted at such a massive capacity that it is seen as normal and legal in the eyes of public officials, lobbyists, and other individuals who are involved in politics.  Who wants to believe that someone they like is against them or doing something wrong?
The social setting in the legislative buildings provides an example of how environments can cause crime and that social class determines which crimes are paid attention to and enforced.  Of course, the lawmakers and donors do not think that they are causing social harms or violating criminal laws, but the lack of bipartisanship proves that federal politicians ignore the concepts of working together – no bipartisanship – and do so on purpose which, in turn, causes a massive amount of harms to people all over the world – especially in the United States.  In some cases, the harms cause violence and death.  Once more, and for example purposes, failing to provide proper gun policies that protect Americans are derelict activities, and therefore donations/bribes from gun advocacy groups causes unlawful homicides – which makes the federal legislators and donors accessories to murder.  Regardless of your position of the gun issue, the fact remains that federal lawmakers accept donations, refute new gun policies because of the donations, and refuse to work together to make safer societies because of this.  Which is criminal thinking and criminal behaviors.  The lawmakers are simply wearing suit and ties rather than gang colors with informal attire.  Not representing the public is a violation of criminal law, and so is doing so because of bribery.

Washington, D.C. is a breeding ground for criminal behaviors and the federal lawmakers are criminals – case in point.  We have people who support reformation for all types of public policies and are involved with issues that literally have millions of supporters.  Why would the public officials on the federal level ignore this?  Another example can be noticed with drug laws.  Marijuana is illegal on the federal level, yet we have state politicians who listened to their constituents and made it legal because of the expressions by the public.  In the states where the plant is legal there are also federal officials who are voted into office without electoral colleges.  Does the separation between state and federal elections matter?  Why are federal senators and representatives from these jurisdictions not representing their constituents in the nation’s capital and advocating for national marijuana legalization?  The public has clearly spoken, yet the cries from law enforcement about less funding and laws to enforce supersedes the desires from the public?  Law enforcers and lawmakers work for the public – and not for some privately financed anti-marijuana corporation.  Why are these lawmakers not listening to the citizens who they represent?  Criminal activities do include ignoring public service duties because people want to keep their jobs and budgets intact.  Every office in the Longworth House and Rayburn House Office Buildings, and Russell and Hart Office Buildings, is tainted with farcical governance and criminal thinking that hurts more people than helps them out.  We have a fucked-up government, basically.
Collectively, Washington, D.C. is the stomping grounds for deviant people who use their acquired wealth and occupations to commit criminal acts against the American people as well as in foreign territories.  Lobbyists and federal public officials are criminals who work together to create more crimes against many individuals and even invoke policies that turn people in to criminals because of their lack of understanding about public service and who they are supposed to be representing.  The social ecology of the criminal politician in Washington, D.C. includes lying to the public, using the federal jurisdiction as a scapegoat to benefit themselves, and disregards any oaths that have been taken or provisions within the Constitution, and it is deliberately being performed.                   

                       Source:  Public Domain 


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