Recreational Marijuana and the Negligence of the Department of Justice

Jeff Sessions is an idiot.  So are all of the appointed United States Attorneys and Assistant United States Attorneys – regardless of when they were hired and what their political affiliations are.  Recently, the United States has seen a surge of legal marijuana laws in nine states, and even more regarding the substance’s medical use.  Yet, the old school “tough on crime” tactics refuse to go away by the current federal administration and federal governmental policies in general.  This a shameful representation of how federal politicians do not care about public views when it comes to criminal justice regulations.  Marijuana laws are ridiculous in the first place – as well as all other drug laws – and the federal government is overstepping its boundaries by trying to tell states how to mandate public opinion because of political relationships and the desire by law enforcement organizations to maintain their budgets and occupations.  More precisely, if marijuana were to become legal on the federal level, then millions of prior felons would be exonerated, inmates would be released from prison and removed from criminal justice supervision, and, most importantly, the federal government would look incorrect and have to restructure and reimburse imposed fines, fix social barriers that are set into place for marijuana “offenders,” and regulate the substance in a legal fashion.  Which all takes a lot of effort – and who wants to do that?  It is a logistics issue, and not a criminal justice issue that is preventing the federal government from working for millions of its citizens.  There are probably a bunch of potheads that would do the work for the federal government, but they are criminals because they smoke the wacky tobacky, so it will not work.
Prior to the 1930s, marijuana was legal and could be bought at outlets all throughout the country.  This is said because during the times when the drug was legal there was no social chaos because of its use and sales.  Meaning that the country was fine, and so were the people who ingested the substance.  In fact, our country’s history relied on the marijuana plant for many years prior to the Henry Anslinger days and, once more, the sky did not fall and people did not implode because of their marijuana use.  Basically, marijuana is harmless and our country’s history proves this, as well as proves that fantastic uses of the entire marijuana plant and its industry capabilities are possible.  Second to this, the country’s economics would improve if the federal government regulated the substance.  More money being spent, jobs being created, and an elimination of fear by its users would transpire.  Also, the legalization of marijuana on a federal level would allow for the reduction of criminals and criminal organizations.  Who would buy pot off of sketchy people when they could simply go the store and buy it?  So, legalizing marijuana on a federal level would also reduce crime and put law enforcers in far less risky situations that pertain to the underworld of drugs sales.
The states that have made weed legal have acquired an enormous surplus of wealth because of the finances that manifested because of the millions of potheads in the country.  For instance, tourism on a domestic level has soared and created new finances for private businesses of all kinds because of legal marijuana.  Imagine if the federal government received taxes from legal marijuana.  Education, healthcare, military, infrastructure, and every other governmental resources and obligations would have more money to work with and, in turn, return better services to civilians throughout the entire United States.  The harmless impacts from marijuana need to be reevaluated by the federal government, and this lame-ass “tough on crime” bullshit needs to end.  At this point, Jeff Sessions, the Republicans in general, and any other opposing parties simply look foolish in their claims that the substance is dangerous and requires strict oversight in a criminal justice fashion.

             Marijuana should be legal and well-regulated.  Jeff Sessions and this old school war on drugs bullshit needs to end and the United States needs actual public officials who are intelligent and not fixated on the days of Richard Nixon and Ronald Reagan.  So much prosperity could occur if the country’s leaders listened to their constituents and simply passed laws that represent the public opinion rather than simply doing whatever they want.  Democracy?  What happened to “government of the people, by the people, for the people?”  What people is Jeff Sessions and the other people who are opposed to legalization talking to and representing?  Bullshit, America.  More bullshit.  We have states that make up a union and we are not supposed to have an overzealous power that tells states of the union what to do unless it contradicts the Bill of Rights and other elements in the Constitution.  Grow the fuck up and quit being a miserable fuck, Mr. Sessions.  You work for the people, not yourself.  Fuck the cops and other jackasses who refuse to move on too.  



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