Buffalo Rising!

        Buffalo is a blue collar city, a drinking city, a pizza and wings city, a sports city, and, now, a city that has been put on the map for standing up to injustices.  Hell yeah!  The whole world stood up to the recent tragedies that took place by the hands of the criminal cops in the country, but Buffalo did it while dealing with the reconstruction of the city going on.  The people of the area made a choice to add standing up to police abuses of power to their renaissance.  This is profound.  For years the area has been on a steady decline—constantly being one of the top three poorest places in the United States.

       Even worse, when the people of the Queen City were promised money to rebuild they were shafted again.  This is an example of how resilient Buffalonians are.  That is, the residents have been dealing with bullshit that is not their fault for many years and stood together during these  troubled times and really came together to let everyone know that even while being kicked down that they are going to stand right back up and fight for their rights and others’ rights.  That is the Buffalo that this author knows, and the world should recognize the tenacity of the people in this town and give praise for the causes that were stood for while dealing with the unnecessary bullshit that has been going down in the area for so long.  The same concept goes to other areas that are dilapidated and came together to redress the government peacefully.

       The question is what comes next?  Be assured that Buffalonians will show everyone what the answer is.  Which is, not letting things go back to normal after these times of civil unrest.  More specifically, you can look to Buffalo when times are hard and need motivation , you can look to Buffalo when people are worn out from protesting and need to be inspired, you can look to Buffalo when you think all the cries for change do not look like they are happening.  You can look there because the people there will be standing strong and together.  Buffalo is on the rise!  Stand up now, Buffalonians! Stand tall and proud, you did the right thing as always!  The world needs your integrity!

Photo Credit:  Benjamin J. Bolton 
