Connect the Dots, La La La

The United States has a complex problem – that is a play on words.  Which is, there has been an implementation of configuring police departments and courtrooms together in structures called “justice centers.”  Local law enforcement jurisdictions mostly are the agencies that have these combined structures, but state and federal law enforcers are guilty of this as well.  Police departments and courts rest in the same buildings in other words, and the judges, clerks, and police officers are all buddies who share not only a building together, but eat together, park in the same parking lots, and pass each other in their buildings on a daily basis.  This brings the concept of criminal justice to the idea that police departments and courts are not separate entities, but a conjoined organization that literally works together to produce results that are beneficial to themselves – and not to provide equal and fair justice. 

Think about how many conversations, meetings, and other informal acts that go unseen because of these biased structures all throughout our country.  How man wrongful arrests and bogus convictions have happened because the law enforcers involved in a matter did not want to disappoint their buddy?  This is crazy, America!  These justice centers are bullshit and they make a mockery of our Constitution and due process rights in the United States.  Shitbag-after-shitbag comradeships have destroyed our justice system.  Good ol’ boys’ meetings and the fucked-up shit that manifests from the meetings are guiding the criminal justice system in many of our cities and towns.  Fuck these justice centers and the asswipes who thought that combining police departments and courts into one building was a good idea.  Bullshit!  Are these law enforcers that lazy that they cannot walk or drive to a different location if they are needed to testify, bring an individual to court, or have warrants signed?  These people are idiots.  Go arrest this author’s middle finger as it flails in the air in the parking lot of your justice center and bring it to your judge-buddy who sits in the same building. 

Combining police departments and courts into one structure is always going to be perceived as biased administrations of justice – how can it not be?  Tax dollars have been spent and wasted on lazy fucks and bullshit architecture because law enforcers want a monument to claim as their place of work.  Fuck this shit.  When police departments and courts become one, our criminal justice system acquires a perception that implies that law enforcers do not care about fair and impartial proceedings, and that they scratch each other’s backs.    

Photo Credit:  Benjamin J. Bolton
