New York's Political Radicalism, Criminal-Public Officials, and the Demise of Liberalism


Exorbitant criminality by New York’s public officials has risen in the last ten years and the current structure of the state’s three bodies of government are enduring blowback from political activists in a manner that has never been seen before.  A plethora of lawmakers and law enforcers have been identified as sinecure officials who use the public service element for their own personal benefits.  From the Governor to local officials, and many public servants in between, the state has been saturated with greedy individuals who have been causing harm to the public and, in turn, have only recently begun to receive serious criticism from the public and federal government.  Moreover, the sleaze of many of the public officials has developed an informal system that caters to the corruption by producing haphazard regulatory procedures that do not provide sufficient penalties for turning against the public, as well as for when individuals are victims of terrible behaviors by New York’s public officials. 

As mentioned above, there has only been a recent surge of social movements that have protested the uncanny and unlawful behaviors.  Activists are engaged in a frenzy of attempting to defeat so many acts of corruption and other poor behaviors that it makes them appear as if they looking for attention and not simply addressing issues that are important to them and the welfare of the public and sanctity of the government.  This works to the benefit of the public officials and allows them to carry on with their deceit and terrible governances by using excuses and suggesting that the activists are crybabies and are simply wanting attention rather than being groups who seriously redress their governmental bodies.

An examination of recent events can be easily conducted that have scarred New York forever and, because of this, there will never be a proper governmental system until serious reformation and removal of corrupt public officials is undergone.  Furthermore, an understanding of untrue propaganda needs to be comprehended in order for the effect of this piece to be fully implemented.  Being more precise, it is an unfortunate endeavor by public officials to conjure up false marketing strategies when they are called-out on their poor behaviors.  Many of these speeches, advertisements, and denials are part of the aforementioned informal system that caters to public officials which, in turn, allows the horrendous behaviors to continue even when the activists participate in demonstrations that bring attention to the false communications by the political leaders in New York.  Thus, this piece will discuss acts of corruption and illegal behaviors by some of New York’s public officials, explain the political radicalism that has occurred because of the corruption and its effects and, finally, deliver notions about how the liberal tendencies that New York is known for is a false ideation and is only maintained because of the political history of the jurisdiction and the inability of the state to transition into conservativeness because of the diversity that exists in the most populous area in the state – New York City.

The Criminal-Public Officials
             Perspicacious comprehension of the actuality of public service is the main point within this section.  Elaborating further, the readers should view the idea of criminal-public officials in a fashion that is rooted in ideas of entering the public domain not to progress society for the better, but as a position that is attained so that personal benefits are acquired.  Moreover, this perception shall allow the readers to glean the content about informal systems that are established so that this status quo is maintained.  For example, public officials in New York have routinely used a liberal agenda to acquire votes and support from organizations.  Much of this support is through the usage of monetary donations, and the money that is acquired allows the public officials to carry on with illegitimate and illegal behaviors because the supporters do not want to be viewed as incorrect in their backing of a public official.  Public officials are aware of this and, in turn, use it to their advantage. 

Spending on personal expenses is not viewed as something that is inappropriate because of the bond that has been created which, in turn, generates and sustains corruption and activities that are performed for the sole benefit of the public official.  These benefits have widespread categories and include everything from expensive living quarters, sports cars, lavish vacations, dining at high-end eateries, and affluent accustoms for their family members and other loved ones.  A social class is established once an individual maintains a public position and the public rarely views any of the living situations with disdain because of the misunderstandings that have been fed to them for their entire lives.  That is, the members of state and federal governmental agencies – those who are appointed or elected into a public position – is understood by citizens in a Marxism ideology that is proper for individuals within public office.  This ties in with the aforementioned informal systems and propaganda that have been meted out by government employees for decades.  Criminal behavior and hypocrisy arises because of the inferred comprehension of social status and that particular conduct is acceptable once an individual acquires a social status of public officiality.
Lower-level public officials are also participating in criminality.  However, these positions mostly include law enforcers.  Police officers, prosecutors, judges, corrections officers, and even community corrections officers have become criminals in the sense that they operate behaviors that focuses on economically disadvantaged citizens as well as condone the unethical and illegal practices of other public officials so that social control is maintained and utter chaos is not developed in our contemporary society.  This is done blindly and deliberately.  More specifically, law enforcers have been subjected to the same propaganda that all other citizens have been forced to take in and their training and internal cultures are geared toward targeting citizens who fall within lower social classes.  Even when the law is applied properly to individuals who are within the realm of being a public official or other social elite, the law enforcers treat these people differently because the informal legal system that has been established by public officials in New York. 

A further explanation of the criminality by law enforcers needs to be discussed.  That is, a precise deliverance of the illegal behaviors by the New York’s criminal justice system’s practitioners will be explained so that reader understands the concept that is within the term “criminal-public official.”  Starting with the police officers, the New York State Police, county sheriff’s offices, and local police officers all maintain the same agenda of protecting social statuses in New York and complying with demands that are given to them by other law enforcers via the efforts of lawmakers.  Police officers in the jurisdiction do not perform operations against specific social classes because of the power that they do not have.  Such as, the ability of public officials to deliver negative depictions, control police departments’ budgets, and create investigative commissions does hinder the application of sincere equal distribution of justice in New York.  Police officers in New York refuse to break away from the Marxism understanding of law enforcement because of the fear of less organizational and individual value that can be ascertained by persons of higher social status – which mostly includes professionals in the lawmaking positions.
Prosecutors and judges engage in criminal activities in very similar fashions as the state’s police officers.  Particularly, these professionals deliver justice in New York by catering to social classes and by not paying attention to illegal activities that are conducted by lawmakers and other law enforcers.  This is seen with the lack of indictments and convictions of practitioners who have had superior professional roles in New York, as well as when street-level law enforcers are scrutinized for terrible behaviors that most other citizens would be arrested and convicted for.  Moreover, New York’s prosecutors and judges – especially in the state’s urban areas – are known for never admonishing illegal behaviors by other public officials in the media or other public forums – except during campaign seasons.  Prosecutors and judges at all levels are barely seen in public outlets when public attention is given toward unethical and unlawful behaviors by social elites and additional practitioners in the criminal justice system.  The excuse that is used is one that is centered on not wanting to be viewed as biased in the justice system.  This is actually appropriate, yet the concentration on ordinary citizens and poor criminal defendants makes many of the claims about being fair and impartial improper when these ideas about justice by judges and prosecutors are delivered. 

Employees who work in jails and prisons and community corrections officers are also able to escape sincere justice when they catch the attention of the public.  Specifically, correctional procedures are the most unkept and poorly maintained systems in the entire legal system and, because of this, the practitioners tend to be not only less trained in the provisions of law, but also have lower intelligence when compared to other professionals who work in the criminal justice apparatus.  These poor human capacities, in turn, are considered necessary for the field by other law enforcers and lawmakers, which allows for terrible criminal activities and unprofessional conduct by the state’s corrections personnel.  More precisely, corrections professionals in New York engage in informal justices that are not allowed to be covered by the media or be viewed through other public elements because of security reasons, and when corrections professionals are subjected to the law there is little effort by the other state officials to investigate or prosecute the identified behaviors.  This brings the concept of informal justice systems to light as well as delivers an ideology about how specific social classes are not receiving the same justice as most other civilians.  In other words, New York’s corrections personnel are allowed to mete out abuses of power and violations of constitutional rights because the lawmakers and other law enforcers condone biased administrations of justice.  Social stratification is how the state’s correctional division operates and the public officials have ascertained a legal system that uses peons and unusual definitions of criminal justice.  Justice is not fully served upon these individuals because of their blind patronage and behaviors that carry on the justice system that has been produced by the entire gamut of public officials in the state. 
New York’s Political Radicalism
               Haughtiness is the entire premise for New York’s political activism, and the perception is correct given the current structure of the state’s political and legal systems.  To be more accurate, the political activism is rooted in street-level demonstrations that are centered on causing chaos in the state’s day-to-day activities.  This occurs because there are no other plausible methods of dissent that will be entertained by the state’s public officials.  Lawmakers and law enforcers refuse to allow citizens in legislative hearings and most other methods that entail the activities that include discussing details about enforcing the law.  Righteousness by activists is delivered in the state after illegal and unethical acts occur in the area because of this, and the activists are given improper reputations by the state’s government officials due to the desire to maintain the current agenda of the political and legal structure in the jurisdiction.  The blowback from lawmakers and law enforcers entails a conundrum of violence and appearing to adhere to the First Amendment.  This is extremely inappropriate given the foundation of American culture and the diversity that is found within New York.  Moreover, many of the claims by law enforcers and lawmakers are untrue and serve as a catalyst for biased external perceptions by citizens and the media.

            Discussing the issues of false propaganda by New York’s public officials is a conversation that brings up ideations about the utmost corruption for public officials.  Activists may, at times, participate in behaviors that are arrestable, yet these inappropriate behaviors – as described by lawmakers and law enforcers – are caused by the deceit that takes place by the actions of the public officials.  More specifically, activists are unable to engage in formal protestations or utilize the media because of the relationships that have been manufactured between lawmakers, law enforcers, and the mainstream media entities.  Therefore, activists must employ tactics that bring attention through the mainstream media companies in a manner that conveys their sincere ideologies.  That is, the behaviors that are considered odd or arrestable by the activists posits notions that such extreme measures were necessary because of the inability to present their issues about particular engagements through popular functions that are found in contemporary society.  Again, this happens because of the corrupt and peculiar activities by New York’s criminal-public officials and their stronghold on community devices – such as the media and other public and private services. 

            Lastly, New York’s political radicalism is viewed in a manner that is not authentic by citizens because of the combination of deceit by the criminal-public officials and the lack of knowledge by ordinary civilians.  This occurs on a state-based level as well as nationally because of the structure of the media companies and political systems in the United States.  Focusing on the knowledge of ordinary citizens, this idea is rooted in the understanding that many citizens simply believe whatever is depicted in their media devices and also do not pay attention to many serious social issues that occur in our society.  The mundaneness of individuals is highlighted here.  Meaning that many people simply focus on themselves, their employment, family members, and financial expenses that are necessary to maintain their lifestyles.  Citizens of New York are fully engulfed in their lethargies because of the lack of urbanization throughout the area.  More specifically, many New York residents are not capable of comprehending the authenticity of the activists’ demonstrations because of the aforementioned localism and concentration on individuality and choose to ignore significant public issues because of the concentration on themselves and immediate surroundings.    

The Demise of Liberalism
            New York’s political arena has acted in conservative and neo-fascist manners for approximately the last ten years.  Liberalism is only used as a utility to maintain reputations and support from citizens and organizations which, in turn, allow the status quo to be sustained wholeheartedly.  In addition to this, liberal agendas are performed by New York’s public officials to alleviate any burdens that may arise within themselves.  This is an understanding of psychological insecurities that manifest due to the reality of who the criminal-public officials truly are.  In other words, feeling guilty about the massive corruption allows many of the liberal performances to be undergone.  Public and organizational support is, again, mostly the main premise for these agendas, yet the consciousness of the public officials’ minds also seems to get the best of them when they implement biased actions that are not in line with the reputation of the state.  Sincere liberalism only takes place in formats that allow for societal prosperity.  Many policies and laws are doing this, but the corruption and mistaken identities are overwhelming in the area and when the activism occurs there is flak given to the advocates for stepping in to save liberalism and fighting against obvious biases in public schemas. 

            Authentic liberalism in New York is, essentially, on the decline when the activities in the area are fully examined.  Protests are considered strange and shut down by public officials, corruption carries on, and the citizens see the protestations as something to view rather than a cry for proper governance and something they should be participating in.  Perverse ideologies about governances are now normal in the jurisdiction and New York appears to be leading the nation in hypocrisy about being a democratic state and affiliated with a liberal base.  Until serious efforts are undergone by the public and sincere public servants to remove those who are using placation for support and sustainability while in public office, there will not be a dedication to honest public service and treating New York’s residents with the care that they deserve. 


           The demise of liberalism is mostly rooted in the behaviors by the criminal-public officials and lack of energy by citizens in New York.  There is only sincere activism when extremely dangerous situations arise or when a public official is observed doing something seriously heinous.  Public officials have become criminals in minor and major fashions and the public condones these illegal behaviors because of fear of retaliation by subjugated citizens and the authority of public organizations.  Moreover, the area is, unfortunately, being led into an era that is based on hating political values that are similar to the actions of the public officials and public services.  Hypocrisy takes place without many individuals even noticing the unusual behaviors.  That is, the deliverances of political views are being criminalized in the state and, again, is not a proper demonstration of civility or governances in a country that infers that the government is a democracy with open views of all kinds.  New York is, basically, being operated in a biased fashion that only suggests that it is liberal and only does liberal governances to maintain the agendas by public officials and to not endure flak from residents in the New York City area.  Citizens are fooled by the minor actions of the government and, in turn, this allows for corruption and deceit to take place on a daily basis. 
