Camouflage Criminals

               Private and public organizations are violating the Fourth Amendment everyday in this country with Internet and cellular phone surveillance security companies.  Businesses such as Blue Coat Systems, Incorporated and the Harris Corporation are privatizing the Fourth Amendment and making money off of this illegal practice – and the government is letting this go on!  These entities are suggesting that they’re in the business of providing services for proper workplace productivity and assisting law enforcement in their investigations; however the research suggests that these companies are hiding in the dark when it comes to knowing about their services and how they acquire contracts and payment for these inventions that are being used.  Moreover, the monitoring of electronic devices has been taken to the extreme in most cases; an illegal extreme, that is.  Meaning that public and private businesses are not only paying these corporations to monitor their Web servers and computer input, but are also going as far as watching their employees when they’re not at the workplace.  How is this illegal?  Like this: The clients of these illegal corporations are mostly not law enforcement professionals, and while observing employees’ Internet or cellular phone activity may be legal, as well as required at times, these contractual agreements are going as far as collecting information about individuals’ social media profiles, email systems, geographical locations, and other Internet activities outside of the workplace and doing so in a clandestine manner.  It should be known that the Fourth Amendment allows every person in the United States to be “secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures.” 

When is the Fourth Amendment valid and not interpreted as a color of law?  This is when:  When a person leaves the private or public domain and is no longer connected to private-internal Internet servers or is attached to cell phone towers that millions of other citizens use on a daily basis.  This is true regardless if a private company owns the cell phone towers that are used to operate electronic and telephonic contraptions.  There is no public or private organization (except when proper procedures by government-based law enforcement agencies are being used) that has the right to monitor a person’s Internet activity or locations without violating the constitutional rights of the individuals being observed.  It’s really illegal and seriously intrusive – as well as very odd!  Case law in the country lacks the fundamental premises of this blog.  Which are that a private or public organization may have the right to monitor a person’s Internet or phone activity while they’re on their property; especially if the person is using a company issued electronic device, but it is illegal once a business or public service agency observes a person’s privately obtained electronic device after they leave the place’s property.  If you disagree, think about this:  Imagine yourself , or a friend or family member, using your privately bought iPhone at your home, then the next day you go to work and are reprimanded because you, or a friend or family member, browsed the Web for something that may be considered to be controversial to the organization’s professional reputation. 

What a bunch of bullshit and perverted spying, right?  This happens every day in this country.  It’s usually done by very large entities and not mid-sized or small businesses, but the state and federal governments are certainly doing this to the millions of civil service employees.  Disgusting!  Illegal! Strange!  Now, think about whether or not you want to be secure in your persons, houses, papers, and effects – which includes your electronic devices.  Again, if you’re alright with this think about what would happen if you went to work, school, or some other activity where these illegal searches are going on and simply stated something about how you really got it on with your partner last night because of the sexual positions you gleaned on the Internet from your privately owned computer, tablet, or smart phone (while not using their Web servers).  Most reasonable people would never want their private sex life to be known at the workplace (because it’s no other person’s business).  Now think about your bosses and these private security companies knowing these details about you and your partner because of their shitty and peculiar operations.  What the fuck are these companies doing?  What are the private and public companies doing watching you while you’re simply living your life?  Camouflage criminals.  Is it possible for an employee, or potential employee, student, or ordinary civilian to stalk their supervisors or these Internet and cellular phone “security” companies without any legal intervention?  The answer is "no."  When did the places of business (both public and private sectors) that use these horrible spying corporations become part of the Central Intelligence Agency, Federal Bureau of Investigation, or National Security Agency?  Is everyone a cop or prosecutor nowadays?  Are these private spying businesses shell companies making money to enhance public law enforcement budgets?  What the fuck is going on? 

At last, this author would like everyone to know that these spying procedures can be beneficial to the security in this country, but the privatization of the Fourth Amendment needs to end.  Using technology is necessary given our contemporary culture; however, when public and private organizations begin using these innovations in a fashion to know everything about their associates it’s illegal and very, very creepy.  New case law and policies are required.  Bullshit, America.  Fuckin’ bullshit.                   
