Personal Investigators


 Stephen Akard’s Appointment

President Trump appointed Stepehen Akard as Director of Foreign Missions and then to the Office of the Inspector General after removing Obama-era appointment (as the Inspector General) Steven Linick.  Essentially, Linick was removed because of his investigations into the Trump administration’s sale of weapons to Saudi Arabi without approval from Congress and the damage that could be caused in the upcoming election via this situation and other acquired intelligence.  Akard has close ties to Vice President Pence.  He (Akard) is from Indiana too and has worked with Vice President Pence for many years at the state level.  The conflicts in this situation are obviously the pro-Trump and Pence affiliation and the fact that Akard’s appointment was deemed a quick “fixer” replacement that did not pan out.  Akard resigned after only serving approximately three months as the Inspector General without giving many details about the abrupt resignation.  People are again questioning the ethics of the administration because of the non-stop appointments that are obviously one-sided when it comes to performing government practices.  There is no doubt about it, Republicans—especially President Trump—are not hiding their agenda of putting people into power who have little integrity or concern for proper governance.   

The Duties of the Inspector General

           The duties of the Inspector General in the United States are plentiful.  However, they can be described as investigating criminal and civil misconduct by Department of Justice and other government employees.  It is an internal watchdog organization, basically. 

           This position is of the utmost important when it comes to maintaining the democracy that we have engraved into our society.  The position is supposed to check the power that federal lawmakers and law enforcers have so that tyranny does that reign supreme. 

Republican Prophecies

The Inspector General is confirmed by the Senate.  Which is now controlled by the Republicans.  The state of the Republican Party consists of doing whatever is necessary to maintain political power.  Even with numerous Republicans coming out to show their disdain toward the current party’s tactics and actions of the executive administration, the Red Team is mostly not hiding their desire for power and activities to retain it.  The Office of the Inspector General is supposed to check corruption like this—not heed to it.  The Republicans do not care about maintaining a system of fair checks and balances.    

Social Relevance

           The question of how this impacts your life is necessary to ask when living in a nation that suggests that its democracy has checks and balances so that overzealous power does not take effect.  It is not a matter of which political party you side with.  Do you want a government that appoints and confirms individuals based on their alliance and loyalty to a specific political party or person?  Especially in positions that include internal investigative procedures.  The Republican Party has answered this question time-and-time again and, for the most part, the answer does not include any concern for a one-sided government. 

           Should we all sit idly in front of our televisions and watch the fair and impartiality of our democracy be destroyed because of desires for power?  The relevance to civilians’ lives is unquestionable, but the response to the relevance is how we make sincere progress in this country.  How should the appointment and confirmation process of the Inspector General be done?  Your input is necessary to sustain integrity in such a vital position in the United States! Case in point, this does impact you.  Speak up! 

2020 Election  

           The time has come to decide about where you stand regarding actual democracy.  Do you want an overzealous power telling you that everything is OK and that there is nothing to worry about?  Your voice matters.  You should not want tyranny or complacency.  Do not be fooled by bits and pieces of political propaganda that make you feel comfortable.  Checking the evils of our government needs to be done this November.  Make sure you know how you want your government to work.  The truth is that the Republicans are trying to fool you and develop a subtle dictatorship. 

           The appointment and confirmation of Stephen Akard was an example of blatant corruption and how the system of checks and balances can be uprooted if citizens become complacent in politics.  To maintain integrity of democracy in the United States, appointments and confirmations like the Akard placement need to be protested and quickly dismissed as unacceptable.  This election is the most important one is the last forty years.  Are we going to allow blatant corruption in positions that are supposed to combat it?  The choice is yours.                              

Photo Credit:  Benjamin J. Bolton 

