The Lousy Buffalo FBI, Part 2

The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) in the Western New York area is violating laws and due process clauses at an unprecedented rate in order to solidify their worth, as well as to assist other law enforcement agencies/practitioners so that they can also look diligent in their services.  Their infiltration into the United States Attorney’s Office and criminal defense community are two of the plethora of illegal activities that they participate in and, in turn, has transitioned the federal justice system in the area into a rigged processing structure that, again, caters to law enforcers who make careers off of conviction rates and prison sentences.  There are other intrusions done by the FBI in this area too, and will be discussed in Part III of this series.  Moreover, individuals who are supposed to check these unlawful behaviors in the area do not because of the aforementioned desire for occupational retention and public service rewards that come with the jobs that they have acquired.  Unfortunately, this includes judges, other lawyers, and top-level prosecutors -- which are more lawyers -- in the federal justice system.

Rewarding the Prosecutors

The methods include giving prosecutors rewards because they acquired a conviction for a case that was generated by the FBI, and giving prosecutors and other legal practitioners the “good word” for promotions and other amenities outside of the workplace.  These incentives – also commonly referred to as taking bribes – are so abundant in western New York that the legal community and community at large thinks that this is normal and acceptable.  It is not normal or acceptable.  It is actually illegal.  Many decisions in previous cases, and wordings in procedural laws and statutory laws, explicitly state that providing incentives to law enforcers in order to acquire convictions is unconstitutional and, specifically, a serious infringement of due process rights in the United States.  Yet, the FBI in the Western New York does not seem to care about this, and is only concerned with ensuring that their time and resources were not wasted while performing investigations.  In other words, there are a bunch of criminal cops in the Western New York FBI and they are able to get away with their criminal activities because of the incentives that they provide to other law enforcers who are responsible for checking misconduct in the legal community.  The FBI in the Western New York area is being operated in a similar fashion that mafias and other organized crime groups run their activities like, and the prosecutors are some of their foot soldiers in this bizarre sense of justice.    

Rewarding the Criminal Defense Attorneys

            Approximately ten years ago, the FBI in Western New York began a clandestine operation that included communicating with criminal defense attorneys in order to retain the federal justice system’s high conviction rate and to ensure that the time, money, and resources spent on criminal investigations were not wasted.  Specifically, the FBI’s special agents began providing case and monetary incentives to lawyers in a trade-off fashion.  What this includes is negotiations between criminal defense attorneys and federal law enforcers that are based on favorable results for some of their case work.  There are two types of negotiations and pay-offs going on in the Western New York area in this realm, and the FBI is spearheading the communications.  That is: 1.) Criminal defense attorneys will receive favorable decisions in their case work if they deliberately balk or misrepresent clients that are involved in cases that the FBI and other law enforcement agencies want a conviction for, and 2.)  The FBI and other law enforcement agencies will work together to build a case on a wealthy individual or organization so that selected criminal defense attorneys can receive large fees for their services.  Both practices are very illegal and completely undermine the Constitution, Bill of Rights, and parameters of justice in the United States. 

The Nice Guy Approach

            Special agents in the Western New York FBI are notoriously known for approaching both of the above-mentioned parties and depicting themselves as nice guys who are trying to maintain judicial integrity in the area.  However, their mirroring and friendly tactics are being done so that their counterparts do not feel immediately threatened with their illegal propositions and so that they can further their due process violations after they have been initially accepted.  After the initial contact, in some cases, blackmail, extortion, and threats of prosecution often become the norm between the special agents and legal practitioners if there is a dissent toward further negotiations. 

No End in Sight

            Overall, the Western New York FBI is blatantly participating in violations of law and no external party appears to be doing anything about it.  The organization (FBI) has turned into an agency that operates on bullying and rewarding legal practitioners in order to not look incorrect in their investigations and other services to the community.  Finally, there does not appear to be any flak from the community or external authority figures in the matters, and until there is some form of serious intervention or outspoken criticism by both the community and outside authority figures, the miscarriages of justice will most likely continue.     

Photo Credit:  Benjamin J. Bolton 
