President Trump Sucks! Seriously!

Fucked-Up Shit, America

President Trump has done nothing for the United States in general, or for his supporters and other citizens.  Literally, nothing.  His policy work, when fully examined, is scanty and nothing that has made America great again.  It truly is sad to watch him and his administration behave as they do in the White House.  The current state of federal lawmaking includes fighting with opposing parties, using social media as a call-out platform, and turning the federal government into a reality television show that is based on turmoil.  This reign of terror in the executive branch of government needs to end.  Given this, this author believes that many Americans have finally awoken from their slumber when it comes to political astuteness by realizing how fucked-up their country truly is.  This is a good thing that came from a bad thing.  Again, the bad thing is President Trump and his lack of public service and desire to turn the government and media into a shit-show.
Without giving any support to the President, his upcoming campaign, and his tenure, it really is time to make America great again.  However, it is not going to happen with President Trump and the current perplexity that he has caused the nation to undergo.  The dumbness of these antics that have been ongoing for almost three years are enough to make any reasonable adult cringe and, in turn, hopefully do something to get the nation back on track to where it needs to be.  Thus, the following sections will outline the criminality, lack of public service, and blatant dumbness of President Trump and all of his idiotic supporters.
Trump’s Lack of Public Service  
              Americans are still dealing with economic and health issues that need to be addressed.  President Trump has done nothing to help ordinary civilians during his presidency.  Jobs are not being created or sustained in the United States, people are still living week-to-week, and are being fed a bullshit story that says that their current leader is and has been looking out for them.  The irony of the President’s punchline is so mind-blowing that the only conclusion that can be reached about his supporters is that they are complete idiots and have no knowledge of what the federal government is responsible for and how it is currently working against them.
            Turning to the President’s criminal justice and immigration policies, it is the most hypocritical rendition of law and order.  On one hand, the President supports and signs policies into action that augmented some of the fallacies in the federal criminal laws/sentencing procedures.  While, on the other hand the President believes that locking up desperate immigrants/migrants, breaking-up families, not treating innocent children in a respectable fashion, and that building a wall is something to be proud of.  Strict immigration policies are one thing, but when the current practices are an enormous failure and based on cruelty the nation is not in a good spot and depicts an image to the rest of the world that infers that the United States is farcical in its core beliefs. 

            Healthcare is another neglected issue by the President and his administration.  President Trump does not appear concerned about any American citizens’ health issues.  Absolutely nothing prolific has happened in the healthcare system and it has, basically, become worse over the years after the President and the Republicans took power in 2016.  Americans are struggling to meet their health expectations because the President is more concerned with the struggle for political power than achieving greatness as a leader in contemporary society.

            There is a host of other public service issues that are being ignored by the President.  Environmental harms, homelessness, the war on drugs, capitalistic politics, police brutality, urban blight, corporate welfare, and inequality for females to name a few.  Surely, making America great again would encompass addressing some these social problems, but, once more, zilch from President Trump and his administration is the status quo.   
Trump’s Dumbass Supporters
           The supporters of President Trump are, simply put, ridiculous people.  Blatant stupidity from mostly White trash supporters is nothing to be proud of, and the President is accepting this support as if it is monumental in the history of democracy and American government.  Moreover, the President’s administration is rifled with people who have serious domestic violence incidents, betrayals of American patriotism/values, individuals who routinely leave office because of moral issues, and liars who make a mockery of the legal, political, and media systems in the country.  Yet, the aforementioned White trash supporters think that these occurrences are simply retaliatory activities by the liberals and Democrats or normal processes in the executive branch.

Conclusion of the Fucked-Up Shit 

            In sum, the current state of politics is stupid and the American government looks like a tyrannical display that, in turn, embarrasses those who sincerely believe in a democratic society and government that allows individuals and the world to prosper.  Mafioso activities are apparent in the White House, and until the current President either sways from his normalcy, or the American people step-up and demand proper governance, not much will change for the better.  The drudgery that has been established by the current President and his administration is a thick layer to penetrate, and there does not appear to be any decency in sight.  Given the ability to buy the Electoral College, the federal government may not be reestablished as something that is considered admirable until an amendment is created that allows the popular vote to reign supreme.         

