Memorandum and Order to Kiss My White Butt

Preliminary Statement

Hear ye, hear ye, this is an official decree to denounce the law enforcement officials and others who have transitioned the democratic philosophies in the nation that is the United States of America into a tyrannical administration that only caters to the wealthy and other individuals who are imprudent.  Given the powers construed through the Constitution, and the citizens that it protects, this order serves as a restoration to the Framers’ intuition to produce governmental functions that radiate positive societal progress, as well as to kiss this author’s Caucasian ass.  Additionally, this order lays the foundation to eliminate all idiocy for all the law enforcers who deliberately, and negligently, perform constitutional violations that encompass unlawful surveillance, have low intelligence, and mental health issues that are rooted in paranoia, delusionality, and perverted senses of public service, for all the poorly used informants who attempt to conjure information to justify their terrible thinking patterns, for all those who listen to, or have been told about, an illegal recording collected in 2014 and believe that the so-called legal practitioners’ communication about such prejudiced analyses from this unlawful recording are accurate and not based on deception, and for all organizations that perform insidious actions because of the aforementioned illicit recording and deceit used by the legal community in order to acquire financial and personal gain.     


The blatant corruption in the legal system has become so rampant that its practitioners have not only become bold in their malfeasance, but also transitioned their constitutional infringements into a distorted arrogance that includes not believing in taking any responsibility for their illicit conduct because of the level of tyranny that has been allowed to manifest.   Moreover, and because of this, many civilians have been subjugated and turned into mindless conduits because of the normalcy of the created sleaze as above-mentioned.  When the Bill of Rights, especially the Due Process Clauses, turns into nothing but words, historical writings, and a utility for suggested appearances of democratic tendencies – and not actions – the society that the Framers and many others in the United States have promulgated throughout the evolution of this nation has become stunted and a place that is the utmost hypocritical and, even worse, a farcical embodiment.  This is not acceptable for any reasonable human being.  This is not acceptable for any plausible comprehension of humanity.  It is disgusting and a demonstration of how evil has the ability to truly denigrate positive virtues because of the sheer fact that that is what evil does.  When law enforcers and lawmakers can have such an malicious intent, carry these horrible ideas into practice, and have civilians blindly accept these atrocities without any flak, the nation that was once based on freedom, liberty, and justice for all has turned into a system that is a domestic war against those who sincerely believe in the concepts of justice, peace, love, happiness, and, most importantly, a government that strives to make every institution and individual in its boundaries prosperous.  Thus, this memorandum and order shall issue decisions that restore proper governance, justice, and liberty so that all who believe in the concepts can be impacted in a beneficial manner.  There are no other forms of acceptable government. 

Order and Decision

Given the forgoing, this order will deliver requirements to be followed pursuant to the elements in the Constitution.  That is:

1.)     Activities that are based on illegal surveillance, especially unlawful surveillance from 2014 relating to this author, will cease or the participants will be reprimanded for such activities.  Lawful remedies will be pursued if necessary, which now includes kissing this author’s butt.      

2.)     All communications between law enforcers and lawmakers about the above-mentioned illegal recording, with or without citizens, as well as any other activities that include harassment because of this author’s decision to exercise his rights will be eliminated.  Those who violate this order will be subjected to actual justice and be required to kiss this author’s butt.   

3.)     All informants, or makeshift informants, will be identified and embarrassed publicly and mandated to kiss this author’s butt.

4.)     All judges, state and federal, will return to being fair and impartial, and will dispense justice without any biases pursuant to the Constitution.  If conflicts in this order are undergone, removal from public office is best and the justices will be mandated to kiss this author’s butt.    

5.)     Capitalism will no longer guide our governmental practices – especially in the courts. 

6.)     Prosecutors who purposely lie in courtrooms, or in their submissions to the courts, will be removed from public office, banned from practicing law, and imprisoned for a time to be determined by a fair and impartial judge and jury.  Any violators of such practices will also be required to kiss this author’s butt.   

7.)    Federal Bureau of Investigation employees, and other law enforcers, will no longer be allowed to attempt to create criminal cases because of their stupidity and lack of criminal activities to review.  Such biases will also result in removal from the legal community and imprisonment, and a stipulation that includes kissing this author’s butt.    

8.)      All females will adore this author because he is awesome and he shall receive millions of dollars because of his passion for proper governance.  There is no hypocrisy is this specific order because the author is genuine about the previous statements made.  Laugh.  This is funny.  Those who do not believe that this specific order is righteous will be mandated to kiss this author’s butt.    

9.)     Finally, and as previously mentioned, all those who disagree with any of these orders and decisions, regardless of context, will kiss this author’s white butt and possibly deal with harsher consequences for such robust disrespect, such as simultaneously taking a garbage plate-infused fart to the face.   


Based on the foregoing, this memorandum and order will take effect immediately and any persons who do not follow such orders will be reprimanded via actual justice and not the so-called shit-show that is currently in practice.  Finally, this entire memorandum and order is political and legal satire and anyone who fails to comprehend this shall be stripped of any dignity and be ridiculed for being so dumb, and, again, be required to kiss this author’s butt with the possibility of taking farts to the face while doing so. 

                                                          SO ORDERED.

                                                          /s/The Honorable Benjamin J. Bolton     

Photo Credit:  Benjamin J. Bolton 
