Criminal Justice Reform and Federal District Court Judges: An Interrelated Silence

             Federal district court judges are responsible for millions of peoples’ hardships and not only with the offenders who they incarcerate.  These judges also impact the family and friends of the people who they suggest require imprisonment and communities at large.  Moreover, federal district court judges are no longer fair and impartial legal professionals these days.  The federal system is so corrupt and biased toward an individual’s socioeconomic status that the federal district court judges are more like an extension of the United States Attorney’s Office – prosecutors in other words.  With the high conviction rates (above the 90th percentile) in all of the federal circuits, these judges are certainly catering to the amount of money that an accused person has, as well as ignoring the values that this country was founded upon.  This is seen with the demographics of offenders who receive prison sentences and the accused who do not receive terms of imprisonment.  Every federal district court judge is appointed for life and therefore has no reason to be proactive in their professionalism.  Meaning that with the ease of guilty pleas/findings in the federal system and forever employment, it makes their jobs easy – they do not have to do much decision making, except say that a person has been found guilty and that a chart (federal sentencing table) and laws say that the person gets an amount of time that is already predetermined.  Legal professionals?  Federal district court judges are more like lazy prosecutors who wear black dresses and think that they are infallible because of the use of forms and charts that are given to them.  
            Criminal justice reform is desperately needed in our country; especially in the federal system.  Yet, the laziness of federal judges and the desire to not be viewed as profound public officials gives the federal system the fuel that it needs to carry on with its corruption and half-ass legal procedures.  Once more, federal district court judges are certainly responsible for the many harms that take place in the short-term and long-term in this country when criminal justice intervention in applied to one’s life.  Public figures?  These so-called professionals are content with being viewed as bigots who punish poor people and jerks who think that they are better than everyone because they do not have to worry about campaigns or elections.  Criminal thinking by these judges?  This author thinks so.  Imagine what the federal criminal justice system would look like if federal district court judges required votes to obtain a seat on the bench?  Do you think that all of these poor people and racial and ethnic minorities may have something to say to these presidentially-proclaimed omnipotent beings?  This author thinks so.   

             Rather than using their authority to help people, these judges cater to private companies, high-priced attorneys, and political beliefs that are bestowed upon them by their appointer – which is not fair and impartial.  It is more like federal district court judges are slaves to political parties and money.  Social harm seems to be the proclivity of these judges, and when any disdain is configured about their practices they retreat to their forever-chambers and remind themselves that it does not matter because they are employed for life regardless of any public opinion about their professionalism.  Public service?  It is more like public money being spent on some shitbag’s terrible behaviors and corruption.  Of course these people do not want criminal justice reform.  They would have to do some work for once and actually act like a judge or public servant.  What is your salary? 

