55 Days


There’s 55 days left till November 3rd, 2020.  Election day.  Are you ready?  I don’t think so.  It’s a routine problem with the Democrats and their supporters.  The time has passed.  Figuratively speaking of course, I’m about to light a fire under your ass.  The integrity of the presidency and the nation is at stake.  You have no idea.  Please read on. 


I Hate Trump Flimflam πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸš¨

In the first time in many voters’ lives, they’re witnessing the demise of the importance of the presidency in the United States.  Currently, it has become a game.  Act foolishly, be arrogant, deflect, cause attention, and perform hardly any public service is the name of the game now in politics.  It’s fuckin’ stupid and Donald Trump is to blame.  A cheap and lousy actor has been in the White House for almost 4 years.  He (President Trump) is destroying the integrity of the position (being president).   The Democrats have put up a significant effort to show Americans what’s really in the White House and how it’s not beneficial for them.  But not enough.  You need to hear this. 


There are so many voters out there that can be registered or already are, but are being lethargic about the upcoming election.  Biden has addressed very general issues and not initiated enough of these people to get up off their asses and vote.  

Biden has not spoken about blue collar workers who need a president who cares about them.  Biden has this vote if he organizes it.  

There are many, many young people who don’t give a shit about the next 4 years—Biden can get them too. 

          Lots of senior citizens that are fed up with this idiot (Trump) talking shit all day on that “Twitter thing (old person joke).”  Again, Biden has the vote.  

         Military service people are now everywhere saying how much they hate Donald Trump.  Biden needs to get them too.  

         People of color are looking for leadership.  Biden can get them too.  

        Categories and categories exist that Biden can capture for election day.  However, there’s a problem. 


The problem is the Democrats aren’t organizing any of this voter retention and making sure that people are registered to vote.  The distraction:  The chaos we all see on the television—it’s great, at times—when it comes to people expressing their anger toward Trump, but are they registered voters?  Once more, the Democrats need to organize this and organize it fast.  55 days left and you’re still playing fuck-fuck, Democrats? 


Let’s channel some of the frustration in the protests to making sure that the people are ready to vote.  Jesus fuckin’ Christ!  Let’s get the other people—not only protestors—who need some help from the government, or are fed up with it, to fuckin’ vote and get this dickhead (Trump) out of office.  Make an impression on the delegates in the country.  Send a message that says we’re not going to tolerate this trashy horseshit in the White House anymore.  It’s so fuckin’ lame and unprofessional!  C’mon, Democrats!  What the fuck are you doing?  55 days. 


Fact Brigade


Jobs πŸ‘©πŸ»‍πŸŒΎπŸ‘©‍πŸ­πŸ§‘‍πŸ”§πŸ‘¨‍πŸŽ€πŸ‘©πŸΏ‍🎨

You hear all this talk about jobs in campaign speeches and news.  What’s the employment rate with Trump in the White House?   This is the most basic and simplest answer:  The employment rate began to increase after the recession in 2008.  This was the year Obama took office.  If you look at the official charts you’ll see that the increase began in 2008 and continued to rise throughout the Obama presidency and after Trump entered office.  The sharp decline is because of coronavirus—or as Trump puts it:  the “China virus.”  Donald Trump suggests that he has created jobs—especially manufacturing jobs.  He names numerous big-shot companies over-and-over again on Twitter, out of all the big-time companies that Trump has mentioned only two made a significant increase in employment—Fiat Chrysler and Lockheed Martin.  How many people got jobs with those places? 


More importantly, is the number of jobs created by Trump when compared to Obama’s job creation during his (Obama’s) last 3 years in office.  Trump is at approximately 194,000 new jobs and Obama had approximately 224,000 new jobs (last 3 years of office).  A difference of about 30,000.  Whoever tracks this shit and how, I don’t know.    


The job creation issue isn’t being properly highlighted by the Democrats.  Say goodbye to blue collar workers, Donkeys. 


Healthcare πŸ‘©‍⚕️πŸ§‘‍πŸ”¬πŸ§ͺπŸ‘¨‍⚕️πŸ§‘‍⚕️


Fuckin’ coronavirus, man!  We weren’t prepared for this.  The reaction to it—even worse!  People dying, everything closing, no national preparation whatsoever by the Trumpster!  Biden has said some things and needs to speak up more about this issue.  Let’s get our society safe and booming again!  Fuckin’ shit, Democrats.  55 days.  That’s all.  Have the Democrats rallied up healthcare people to vote in November?  What the fuck are they doing?  Get your asses moving, Democrats.  55 days. 


Overall healthcare before the “China virus” spread was not so great either.  No healthcare plan, the dismantling of the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare), nothing by Trump to provide quality healthcare coverage for Americans—poor or rich!  For almost 4 straight years, not one Trumper has told me what the President’s fuckin’ healthcare policy is?  Where’re the Democrats on this issue?  How can the Democrats explain to people who don’t see a problem with our healthcare system that our healthcare system does suck in a way that allows them to understand how Trump has done shit for them?  Are the Donkeys even trying to sway this sad population of cult members?  Are these people who see no problem with our healthcare system extremely wealthy and healthy?  Don’t think so.  55 days and nothing done to rally this possible support.  What the fuck, Donkeys?  


Have the Democrats checked to see if resources were withheld to blue states by the Trump administration?  After all, the states were left to their own devices to manage the spread of the “China virus.”  Democrats?  Anywhere? 55 days and you’re still fuckin’ around!    


Education πŸ‘¨‍πŸŽ“πŸ§‘‍πŸŽ“πŸ‘©‍πŸŽ“


What education?  What has Donald Trump done for preschools, K-12 schools, colleges and universities, teachers and instructors, and vocational institutions in the last 4 years?  What?  I’ll wait.  Jack-shit, that’s what!  When has Trump said anything related to people learning things?  Not a fuckin’ thing!  Where’re the Democrats on this issue?  It’s so fuckin’ easy to point out all the god damn flaws in this White House and the Dipshit Donkeys don’t seem to do any of it.  55 days.  Want another term of this reality television-bullshit in the news every day?  How’s that going to make you or your peers smarter?  Biden has said nothing.  55 days.


There are thousands of school workers and students and their families who’re looking for leadership on what to do with education because of the pandemic.  Trump and Betsy DeVos have done shit to answer the cries for help.  Where’s Biden getting in on this shit?  What the fuck, Democrats?  55 fuckin’ days!    


         And the list goes on.  Please feel free to share and add your own qualms.    


Speak Up, Organize, and Vote! πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ


Remember all of this!  Remember the belligerence to it all by both parties.  Tell the Democrats to get serious!  There’s 55 days to the fuckin’ election!  It’s your duty to get your country back together.  Make Biden say things that he hasn’t said.  Make Harris do the same!  55 days.  Organize the voters and potential voters mentioned above and the Democrats can be victorious.  Time to put that work in, mules!        


Are you too busy scrolling past lousy memes to save your country?   


Source: Public Domain 


