2018's Ten Worst Public Officials
10. Mitch McConnell
ole’ boys club member Mitch McConnell is a foolish political figure. His status as a high-ranking Republican
politician is saturated with lousy public service that includes catering to
wealthy organizations, donors, and his political party. After a year of observing Mr. McConnell’s
media interviews and appearances, it is certain that this man holds little
public service values, has no respect for proper governance on a federal or
state level, and has committed a plethora of felonies and other crimes that he
should be held accountable for. The
crimes include taking bribes and kickbacks, deliberately not representing the
public in his jurisdiction, causing hysteria to acquire support and to be correct
in his endeavors, and lying about situations so that he does not receive flak
from authorities, the public in general, or Republican supporters. In sum, Mr. McConnell needs to be voted out
of public office and made an example of.
9. Chuck
Schumer is a hypocrite and has been one for most of his tenure while serving as
a United States Senator for New York. He
routinely changes his stances on political issues simply because of his
political affiliation – which is unfortunately common in this country. Moreover, Mr. Schumer is completely detached
from New Yorkers and has not performed many interactions with the public regarding
policy work that his constituents feel should be addressed or implemented. Again, Mr. Schumer simply conveys ideas that
his political party wants because of the status quo agenda of disregarding any
political agendas that are attempting to be implemented by the Republicans. Lastly, Mr. Schumer has been known to collaborate
with law enforcers to cause social problems so that he can stand at a podium
and give a speech about a new bill that he is going to submit to Congress. It is time for another Democrat to fill his
spot in New York.
8. Andrew Cuomo
Cuomo is full of shit on a daily basis.
His tenure is littered with money-making scams,
investigations, shutting down opposing individuals who call him and his administration out
on their illegalities, and political stunts to appear coherent to liberal
philosophies. His revitalization plan
was uprooted by convictions that seem to be disregarded by him and his
political party. Of this, Governor Cuomo
has been participating in a recent agenda of criticizing federal policy work to
make himself appear like a vigilante against the current presidential administration. This is seen with his constant media
appearances that entail conversations about President Trump and his administration. As the liberal agendas of legalization of
marijuana, better gun laws, and healthcare policies are appreciated, the fact
that he disregards any conversation about his corruption and criminality cannot
be ignored. It is also time for another
Democrat to fill his spot in New York.
7. Sarah
Huckabee Sanders
put, this woman is an idiot and just says whatever she is told to say by the President
and his staff. Her blatant lying and
rude behavior have disgraced the White House media relations and makes the
American government look like a totalitarian regime. Facts are disregarded, “facts” are made up
and spoken through her, she has no problem presenting doctored media and
speaking dishonestly about it, and has a difficult time addressing questions
from journalists who present critical questions about the things she says or
delivers via the White House. Case in
point, this woman is criminal-minded and does not appear to have any remorse for
her actions or appreciation for proper governance.
6. Michael
Flynn is a disgrace to the military and United States government. His lying about federal corruption and the disregarding
of millions of Americans trust in government should have brought treason
charges and a long sentence of imprisonment.
His rants about Hillary Clinton and the Democrats were not based on truth, and his foreign meetings validate that he is a treasonous
individual who has no respect for Americans and their government. Mr. Flynn, like many others, views the
federal government as a system that can be used for financial and personal prosperity
rather than efforts that allow civilians to live a better life. His actions speak volumes about how he really
feels about democratic governance and the concerns of the public.
5. The Western New York FBI
5. The Western New York FBI
FBI in Western New York is disgusting and operated by criminally motivated
agents. Its cases for about the last ten
years have mostly been conducted on frivolous claims, illegal clandestine
operations, obvious lying, threats to other law enforcers, and bogus public
relations work. The entire agency has
become rogue in its law enforcement tendencies because of the lack of criminal activity
that fall within the federal jurisdiction in the area and rampant with corruption because
of the desire to secure their many field offices and employees in the Western
New York area. Special agents in this
jurisdiction are known as the fools of the FBI because of their lousy law enforcement
practices and corruption. The Western New
York FBI has also participated in public relation stunts and hoaxes to receive
positive attention for their work in the jurisdiction. It is time to clean house in this agency in
Western New York.
4. Eric
Schneiderman also belongs in a correctional facility. His lousy tenure included delivering bogus
investigations, public relation stunts, and hardly any commitment to holding
politicians or private or public organizations responsible for their illegal
conduct. Withal, Mr. Schneiderman still
reaps the benefits of being a top-level public official after being ousted for
committing criminal activities that have been confirmed. Bribe taking and kickbacks have also recently surfaced, and Mr. Schneiderman has yet to be held legally responsible for any state or federal crimes that he has committed. It is a great thing that this asshole is no
longer in the public sector. Someone needs to gather up some courage and say this author's name to Mr. Schneiderman and see what happens. The
question now is: “What is he doing without his public power?”
3. The Democratic
and Republican Parties
is right! Both political parties –
especially on the federal level – have done nothing for the American citizens
in 2018. Constant fighting, non-bipartisan
policy work, terrible political stunts to retain or reduce power, no
significant changes to the economy, and no attention to the lives of ordinary
Americans surely makes the members of both political parties a bunch of idiots
in their profession. Disagree? Ask yourself what has been done to make your
life better or which public representative has contacted you and asked what
they can do for you this year. Finally,
rather than doing things to make Americans’ lives better, the two parties routinely
engage in horrible public discrepancies just to appear righteous in their
public domains. Disgusting! Time to clean house in this arena too.
2. Local Police
poorly trained police departments are responsible for millions of biased
arrests, targeting of poor people and racial and ethnic minorities, and a
surplus of corruption to keep their jobs affluent. Local police departments are now filled with
military dropouts or fools who think that they are starring in some drama-based
television show on prime-time television.
In addition to this, most local cops know little about constitutional
rights, the criminal justice system in general, or how to engage in community policing
tactics that actually help the public and themselves. You can thank – or not thank – Bill Clinton for
putting thousands of idiots on the streets who are now in supervisor positions
or have some other type of authority because of their years on the job. Sarcastically speaking, thanks again, Mr. Clinton!
course, the kingpin in the nation’s capital. Who else would be number one? President Trump’s lack of beneficial
policy work for the United States is outrageous and not many claims can be made
about his positive contribution to the living situations of American
citizens. His foreign ties, bribing of
the Electoral College, the arrests and convictions of his associates, family
and ass-kisser appointments, racial and ethnic prejudices, and ties to
corporate America all make for one of the worst eras in the history of the United States. Making America great
again? More like making America racist
and poor again. President Trump has done
nothing positive for his millions of supporters or others. Lousy pep talks and political stunts are the
only things on his to-do list. What the
fuck is this shit?
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