The End for the Dreams of a Conservative-Republican Nation is Near

Beware of Generations X, Y, Z, and the millennials,  conservatives!  The individuals who make up the aforementioned groups are coming of age – an age that allows for control of the country, that is – and are instilling their liberal-based ideas, openness to differences between other people, groups, and cultures, challenging the status quo of wealth-based governmental practices, going after corporate America’s ties to our political system, telling all of the hateful people to go fuck themselves, and beginning to enter professional positions that allow for positive changes of all kinds (Jennings, 2002; Puggioni, 2017; Schwiertz, 2016).  This long era of conservative values that includes hatred and poor governance are coming to an end soon.  Older generations are reaching the age where they will no longer be able to use their wealth and resources to eliminate any significant changes that actually progresses society for the better.  In fact, they are beginning to rely on the above-mentioned younger generations for help with all of their life issues – and not only health concerns.  Money and other gratuities are not always effective, and the majority of people in the Generations of X, Y, Z, and the millenials, have characteristics that entail not giving a fuck about who can do what for them if the assistance is being provided by some shitbag that has, basically, screwed people over for their entire lives.

The dreams of having a gun touting-Caucasian nation that is filled with so-called Christian values is diminishing at such a fast pace that the conservatives are pulling out trick plays to extend their controls in the United States (Jost, 2006; Lienesch, 2016; Phillips-Fein, 2011).  Terrible laws being configured and the lack of attention toward significant social issues are an example of this, as well as executive orders by the President and Republican governors in the country.  Conservatives can feel time closing in on them and, simply put, their poor human behaviors are starting to catch-up with them.  The younger generations are organizing with similar disdain that was found in the civil rights era in the United States, and with the technology that is available today these generations are making much larger footprints in the country and doing so at a much faster rate than the previous eras of righteousness.  The best part is that the protestations and organizing are mostly centered on equality and justice for all, environmental issues, and providing proper governance that produces policies that affect everyone in a good way.  So, this author asks what is the problem with conservatives, America?  The ideas that are being supported by the majority of people in the younger generations are not singling anyone out when it comes to quality-of-life in the United States.  Call-outs are, again, directed toward the bigots and deliberately harmful policies that produce poor living conditions for everyone and specific groups in the country.  Once more, what is wrong with this?  Lobbyism and hate are being depleted and these citizens are fighting back against virtues that are not in line with our suggested values in the United States.  The liberal generations are changing these misinterpretations, again, for everyone.  So, once more, what is the problem?  Is it that capitalism cannot be fully invoked?  Is it that pure greed is not being able to be actionable?  Is it the conservatives’ struggle with the loss of power on a general level? 

Conservativeness is exactly that – an understanding of older norms that should remain intact.  This is synonymous with being afraid to change or invoking new behaviors because of the stubbornness and anxiety that arises when something progressive occurs.  Hypocrisy arises because the conservatives embrace change or participate in new policy-making by our government if it caters to them – which is biased and not how laws or governmental policies are supposed to operate in the United States.  Red America tends to suggest that they enjoy core American values, yet many of their views are nowhere near what the Constitution lays out or what is described in patriotic displays like those on the Statue of Liberty or in the Star-Spangled Banner.  It (conservative thinking and behaviors) is really absurd when you think about how ridiculous and full of shit these conservatives are in this country.  Rather than focusing of important issues that would help everyone in the country, the conservatives partake in constant bickering and social chaos to hold onto their values.  Very strange understandings of American values of a government for the people by the old-fashioned class, America.  A bunch of fuckin’ crybabies and douche bags are really what this group (conservatives) is made-up of, America.  If they do not get their way they call people names, cheat, cause problems for everyone, and throw temper tantrums because they are not being accepted for their perversions.

Moreover, younger generations have not only noticed these bitch-like activities by the conservatives in the nation, but also recognized how there are not many incentives to conform to the so-called conventional living and policy making by the Red Team and its supporters.  More precisely, every claim that is used as an encouragement to fall in line with the conservatives is bullshit.  Jobs are not being produced like this political group suggests that they are, taxes are not being reduced like they claim them to be, the policymakers still cater to wealthy organizations and individuals and convey a false sense of compassion for middle-America, public healthcare is being diminished for everyone and not only poor people or liberals, biased law enforcement practices are condoned, and budgets for the military are constantly increased for no just cause while other areas in society are blatantly ignored (Jackson, 2018; Uygur, 2017).  It truly is a group of people who are full of shit when they make claims about maintaining American values and being correct in their actions.  Conservatives belch out claims of traditional American values and patriotism, yet their postulations are rooted in hypocritical tendencies that are, again, not even close to core rights and values that the United States suggests it is all about (Ramgotra, 2014; Street & DiMaggio, 2012; Uygur, 2017).  The worst part is that millions of dumbasses are fooled by these claims of conservative values being the best for the country.  Obviously, the people who believe in these alleged traditional virtues do not have a mind of their own, nor do they look into any of the results or actualities of the developments by conservative celebrities.  According to the traditionalists, it is all just liberal propaganda when disheartening facts are presented to the public.  Not really, conservative America.  Facts are facts, and regardless of the personal thoughts or biased realities, facts cannot be distorted simply because someone does not want to believe in them.  Yet it happens everyday in this country.  Fucked-up, America!   

Overall, the conservative era is eroding and the younger generations are beginning to implement positive ideas that are making conservatives cringe and look foolish in their claims.  The country is undergoing a transition and the backlash by conservative citizens can be easily seen throughout the entire nation.  Assaults on justice and equality for all are taking place because of this transition, and even with the amount of resources that are being utilized to maintain the conservativeness the realities of how piss-poor the behaviors are – and have been – are coming to light.  Permanent change in our country is on the rise and it will go into effect.  As soon as the conservatives realize this, the better the United States can be.  Freedom in political and personal ideas is acceptable, but it does not mean that these personalized renditions of living situations should be accepted by everyone in the United States – which is the problem that the conservatives are having now.  Positive changes are coming, America!  And it is not only a political thing.


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