Eliminating Homelessness in Urban Areas With Positive Methods

                   Delivering resolutions toward the elimination of homelessness [in urban areas] is a subject that comes with such an abundance of variables to consider that a typical blog does not have the capacity to properly explain the depressing events that are involved with poverty in urban areas within the confines of the United States.  Therefore, this piece is structured in an essay/report fashion and posits social changes that are effective, efficient, and long-lasting.  Everything in this essay/report could be done without creating mass panic about other social-public utilities and tax increases.  Here it goes.


                  Comprehending homelessness in urban areas should be conducted while maintaining several premises.  That is, it is rooted with a blend of socioeconomic issues (obviously), labels and perceptions of social class by individuals and cultural influences, mental health issues, poor kinship connections, no family relations, poor governance, lack of compassion, and lack of resources.  Each of these general circumstances has a massive stem and leaf plot underneath them and, again, are extremely complex and lengthy to describe in a typical blog.  Nevertheless, brief and successful implications for eliminating homelessness in urban areas can be manufactured based upon past and present events via the use of the aforementioned conditions and experiences.  

                  As the resolutions are configured and depicted, it is important to consider that individuals make up the homeless population, and thus includes different characteristics that require precise assistance in order to overcome the burdens of socioeconomic issues in a longitudinal manner.  Essentially, the idea that every homeless person is different is the underlying principle throughout this piece and that individually-guided methods are necessary in order to eliminate homelessness in urban areas--not simply reducing poverty [homelessness in urban areas].  Moreover, as the strategies for eliminating poverty [homelessness in urban areas] are conveyed it should also be noted that the assistance encompasses collaborated efforts between public and private entities, as well as motivated people who are working together without prejudiced toward the cause [eliminating homelessness in urban areas].  It is of more importance that the previously mentioned collaboration and use of motivated people is understood in a sense that suggests that the complete elimination of homelessness in urban areas is always the main goal for the poverty problem [homelessness in urban areas].

                   Appropriately, the following sections will discuss, explain, and render solutions for the previously mentioned major variables that contribute to homelessness in urban areas.  This production of smarter decisions and regulations for the agenda of eliminating homelessness in urban areas will provide effective and outstanding humanistic values indefinitely in urban areas and other parts of society.

Socioeconomic Issues

                   Monetary-based problems are the primary contributor to homelessness in urban areas.  Simply put, if the homeless people in urban areas had sufficient funds to acquire shelter it would be difficult to disguise given our organization of contemporary society.  To be more precise, the issue of financial backing needs to be addressed not as a budget inhibitor, but as a necessity in order to solve the problem (homelessness in urban areas).  Knowing the economic status of a homeless person in an urban area could produce a sub-budget that is in accordance to the person's financial situation, if any at all.  Emergency social service workers should be on stand-by for those who have reached the understandings of what is homelessness in the required and properly structured system (the entirety of this piece).  Free emergency services should be offered and the specifics of a situation need to be catered to.  Housing criteria needs to be created and developed in urban areas in order to quell the issue of homelessness.  Non-criminal enforcement is required to be implemented and funding should be diverted toward humanistic approaches. 

Bullet Points
*Inquire about individuals' issues
*Perform financial assistance
*Provide proper housing
*Free access to transportation
*Free food services
*Free healthcare
*Long-term plan for individual's needs in order to sustain employment (if possible) and housing

Labels and Perceptions of Social Class by Individuals and Cultural Influences

                     Massive advertisements about the issue of homelessness in urban areas should be construed without over exertions of political correctness or intrusive messages.  Changing the attitude toward homelessness in urban areas could be conducted with community discussions and additional communication services.  Rather than depicting homeless people in urban areas as deviants or inferior human beings, positive media configurations should be produced about the issue (homelessness in urban areas).  Perceptions could be augmented due to facts and logic.

Bullet Points
*Establish advertisements about homelessness in urban areas (Public Service Announcements)   
*Permeate positive propaganda without overwhelming citizens with political correctness
*Community discussions about homelessness in urban areas
*Perceptional guidance via facts and rationality.

Mental Health Issues

                     Proper medical assistance for homeless people in urban areas is a necessity for the elimination of the issue (homelessness in urban areas).  Medical specialists should be provided and effective care should be given.  Non-criminal or intrusive mental health treatment should be deployed in a precise manner in order to deter "assembly line" treatment.  Better understanding of mental health issues should be a proclivity for other social workers who are attempting to reach the goal (eliminating homelessness in urban areas).  More medical professionals should volunteer or create a rotating tour so that efficient training is reached and the homelessness in urban areas is defeated.

Bullet Points
*More hiring and volunteering of medical practitioners
*Better training for other people involved in the system of eliminating homelessness
*Non-law enforcement approach to solving homelessness in urban areas
*Proper treatment services

Poor Kinship Connections

                         It is most certain that some homeless people in urban areas will have poor relations with their family.  This should be a major part of treatment for reaching the goal (eliminating homelessness in urban areas).  If better relationships can be established because of the assistance then prosperous mentalities and elimination of homelessness can be maintained.  This may also allow for more assistance to be acquired and, in turn, allow for homelessness to be eliminated.

Bullet Points
*Find relatives/determine if any assistance can be provided
*Starting a support network for the homeless individual 

No Family Relations

                      Homeless people in urban areas who have no family relations due to no existing relatives or resistance with the family should be provided with social networks that enhance personal worth and long-term relationships.  Proper guidance through socialization events would act as a utility that suggests that the homeless people are accepted by members of society without repugnant labels or disgust.  Social workers should be mandated to undergo training that credentials in socialization processes for people who are homeless.  Free services until the homeless individual has been properly rehabilitated need to be provided and put to use in an effective manner; emphasis on "effective manner."

Bullet Points
*Accurately locate all homeless people in urban areas who have no family relationships and establish social networks
*Embrace homeless people in order to retain proper transitions
*Provide effective care for free until homelessness is eliminated
*Humanistic approach toward establishing relationships rather than criminal congregation of deviants.

Poor Governance

                         Better public officials and policies are required for the purpose of eliminating homelessness in urban areas.  Illegal and unethical capitalistic schemes within government ought to be located and demolished; governance should include compassion coupled with proper use of budgets so that the necessary services for eliminating homelessness [in urban areas] are acquired and properly sustained.  Assistance for the elimination of homelessness in urban areas needs to be a public agenda that is not based on public stereotypes and perceptions of the politician (authentic devotion toward eliminating the homelessness in urban areas).  Citizens should be encouraged to support those who appropriate the required amount of funds for helping those in the most need.  Public service officials (not only mayors or boards of governors) need to work together, as well as with the public and private entities, in order to steer the goal [eliminating homelessness in urban areas] in the correct direction.  Resources for the goal of eliminating homelessness in urban areas needs to be conducted without financial or personal value added to it for the public service individual(s). 

Bullet Points
*Proper officials and policies for the goal of eliminating homelessness in urban areas
*Remove private-based lobbyism and unethical financial contributions for the system of eliminating homelessness in urban areas
*Collaboration between all public officials, the public, and private organizations without greed or political personas in mind
*Establish and maintain effective services that eliminate homelessness in urban areas

Lack of Compassion

                      Empathy is a behavior that needs to be understood and practiced.  By noticing the compassion that is required to subdue resistance from those who are in need, the process of ending homelessness shall be less burdensome.  As the concern and affection is demonstrated, the homeless will in turn be more inclined to retrieve services and see the goals of both themselves and the caretakers in a positive manner; thus contributing to the overall sustainment of the end result (eradicating homelessness in urban areas).  Examples of such compassionate discourses can be found in positive professional networking with the unfortunate people (homeless), participating in community events together and accepting the homeless people without any prejudices, and developing procedures for any setbacks that may occur during the process of reaching independency.  Disdain towards the financial tasks and health problems associated with eliminating poverty should never be conducted.  Basically, positive mental attitudes ought to be constantly conveyed.

Bullet Points  
*Communal participation with the homeless in dining, the fine arts, healthcare, and minor glitches while striving for the disposal of vagrancy
*Professional training in compassionate recourse for the social workers
* Comprehension of how an individual came to be in their current situation without rude or confusing behaviors  

Lack of Resources

                       Effective and sufficient services are the most vital part of sustaining the erosions and elimination of homelessness in urban areas.  Every format of resources for the relieving of the individual and society should be implemented wholeheartedly without hesitation.  The goal is to maintain independency and allow the homeless to live in society without negative stereotypes and reliance on other groups for an extended duration.  Allocating sources to the proper agencies and, in turn, distributing the services to those who are in need not only brings an end to poverty, but also gives back to the community in a moral fashion.  Encompassing good mental hygiene throughout the entire area has a two part result.  That is, 1.) It provides for genuine happiness and good living (in every facet of society), and 2.)  The use of proper resources allows the individual to comprehend that help is available and the assistance is authentic and not simply a formality.  Moreover, the resources should be monitored so that deceit does not take place by those who are attempting to use the processes unjustly.  This idea could be checked by using the other variables in this piece, delivering dependable law enforcement into the procedures, and ensuring that the resources are not being wasted or improperly recycled. 

Bullet Points
*Create and implement proper resources to eliminate homelessness in urban areas by surveying both the individual and societal characteristics
*Demonstrate that the resources are not to be abused or wasted
*Maintain positive agendas both mentally and physically   
