Why the Criminal Justice System is the Perfect Example of the Top 1% Problem in the United States

Plutocratic expedience is the pathway the United States has set for itself since the nation’s inception, and the wealthy in the country have now become so blatant in their protrusions against liberty and justice that the criminal justice system has shaped itself into the ultimate system that is governed by the rich.  Moreover, it’s undeniable that the entire gamut of minorities in this country have been shoveled into a system that punishes them for petty crimes – and I say “petty crimes” in a manner that compares the ridiculous and heinous crimes that the top one percent, and corporations, are somehow getting away with to the low level property and drug offenses that the remaining ninety-nine percent are found guilty of.  For example, the amount of human rights violations that corporations like Monsanto and big banks do on a daily basis, as well as the political characters who have their pockets open to such places of business, are inexcusable actions when set on the scale of justice, and yet somehow the scale tips toward the poor, the racial and ethnic minorities, and now, those pesky and overwhelmingly happy homosexuals (I am being sarcastic, gay people are awesome, as well as normal human beings). 

Because of the aforementioned examples, the criminal justice system is the perfect example of the plutocratic evilness that the United States is currently engaging in.  With ridiculous figures such as one in three African American males will go to prison in their lifetime, more private correctional facilities than ever before, and more exonerations in the past few years than ever before, the system is certainly catering to those who can be easily thrown to the wayside – or in other words it caters to people who are easily expendable.  That should piss you off.  American justice?  It is in this sense that the top one percent problem is explicated and, in turn, fosters a host of problems that cause stress for every other person who has not entered the assembly line of American criminal justice.  More specifically, because of the massive movement of what this author (blogger) calls the “criminal justice state” the burdens that come with the high percentages of Americans who enter the criminal justice system are taken on by the ninety-nine percent and not the wealthy, and with the outrageous government restrictions that are set upon these petty offenders the public entities, or political characters, are definitely not dealing with this issue; it’s actually quite the opposite.  Again, they enact policies that permanently disenfranchise petty offenders and thus leave the residual effects to be taken on by the majority of the public (the 99%).  Once more, that should piss you off.  Your tax dollars are being wasted on silly bullshit that, essentially, has no comparison when compared to the acts of the wealthy fuckers and corporations in this country.  Fuck that! 

Another reason why the American criminal justice system is the perfect example for the top one percent problem in this country can be demonstrated with the capitalism that has permeated because of this grotesque system.  The amount of money that is generated by arresting, convicting, and caging the ordinary (people not in the 1%) is astonishing.  Private correctional facilities and private probation companies make a mint off of having offenders sent and housed in their facilities, and so do the legal practitioners who do the grunt work for these bullshit evil enterprises.  Furthermore, once financial wealth becomes involved it appears that the dash to become part of the one percent becomes a disturbing reality that has no limitations – welcome to America! 

In short, the American criminal justice system illustrates the gap between the rich and poor in this country in a manner that should make any reasonable person pissed-off beyond belief.  Yet we all stand around and say “well, it’s not me.”  However, it is you.  You may not be arrested, put to trial, convicted, and sentenced to a term of forever imprisonment, but you certainly are turning a blind eye, as well as giving a decent amount of your money to the scumbags who created this horrible mess.  Wake up!  The plutocratic establishment has entered your life through subtle, and again, very blatant means and worst of all it has your blessing to continue to keep you from living better, as well as the six million plus Americans who have become victims of some asshole’s desire to make their wallet fatter.  Terrible, America.  Fucking disgusting.         

