The American Dream

Majority rules in the United States, and with this course of action being the widely accepted norm it makes any person who is not hip to the common desires an odd ball.  The typical dreams of getting married, buying a house, and getting that so-called dream job is the commonality that every “normal” American strives for.  This style of living, or fantasy, has been exploited by the public officials in this country ever since the nation’s inception, and with so many people believing in the way of life, or already living in such a fashion, the political characters are able to exploit the American Dream, especially the professionals who occupy what we have called the criminal justice system.  That is, because the pattern of living exists many citizens do not have the time to pay attention to the actions of the practitioners within the system; this contributes to the prejudiced and outrageous behavior by the lawmakers, police officers, courts, and correctional departments. 

Too many people are busy worrying about the mortgage, other bills, and getting Johnny or Suzy off to school so that they can go to work and pay for all of the dreams that they have made a reality.  Nonetheless, this author (or should I say “blogger”) is not dismissing the American Dream, but there is a reality that needs to be spoken.  Which is that the American Dream, and the burdens that come with trying to reach it, have given the professionals in the criminal justice system the ability to conduct themselves in unjust and unprofessional behaviors, which in turn allows for rogue actions of justice – or “justice.” 

Not everyone specializes in the field, and again, many civilians are more concerned about their daily activities and how they can keep themselves and their families afloat.  Justice professionals know this, and when they engage in their profession they use this busyness of the American Dream to their advantage; by acting in a manner that allows for their American Dream to prosper as well as suggesting that they are contributing to the many other peoples' dream chasing.  Examples can be used, one in particular is the hurried and botched courtroom processes.  These ridiculous displays are not noticed by the majority of people, and therefore, allow the judges, prosecutors, and defense attorneys to conduct themselves in a shitty way without being noticed—sneaky bastards in my opinion.  The police and correctional administrators are guilty of this as well, as they can simply perform many unethical or illegal behaviors and not have many people recognize their heinous and callous displays of justice —“justice.”  Americans focus their attention to television, the buying of popular products, and activities that make them feel good -- the American Dream!  It appears that Marxism is correct, and that capitalism has given the criminal justice system an excuse for doing whatever the hell it wants -- the American Dream.  If people were to stop for a minute and take a look at their society, and hopefully notice other things besides the advertisements and bills that they have to pay, then something may change for the better in the criminal justice system.  Yet the infiltration of buy this, do that, and squirting Johnny and Suzy out will most likely make them quiver and return to only worrying about themselves; this is not good.  Once again, with the ignorance of the justice system being evident it allows the practitioners to conduct very terrible methods of justice, and most importantly not be noticed by the people who are not associated with the justice systems in the United States.  American dream, baby!  The land of doing whatever you can to make your existence better. 

Is the American Dream good or bad?  Are people so caught up in their daily agendas and spending that the public entities are a secondary factor in their lives, or any factor at all?  The criminal justice system caters to those who do not pay attention to it, and at times even employ people who have no interest in supplying a fair and reasonable process to the country’s people.  Oh, the American Dream, it may be the one thing that we all have in common, yet we’re so distant from one another because of it—very unusual!  In conclusion, the desire to make the dreams a reality have contributed to the breakdown of justice in this country, and then allows for rogue behavior to not be noticed by many people.  This is a damn shame, America!  Now, please excuse me, as I have to go pay the electric bill in order to post my blogs.       


