Prostitution, Sex Trafficking, and Pimps

Prostitution is mostly categorized into the victimless crime category, but many law enforcers, as well as laypeople, tend to forget the root causes for such a crime.  In most cases, sex workers are conducting their businesses because of some other mitigating factor.  That is, drug addiction, indigence, or because they are forced or manipulated into doing the business transactions by actual criminals.  Coercing females (notice the word “females”) into selling themselves for money is a form of contemporary slavery, and somewhat genocidal.  Nevertheless, there are prostitutes that perform these activities independently and have none of the aforementioned life attachments.  As difficult as it is to weed these people out and find the ones who are in desperate need of help, it can be done; by legalizing and regulating prostitution, the females who are being forced to sell themselves could be better noticed.  Making prostitution legal, as well as properly regulating the business, would allow law enforcers to easily identify the sex trafficking and the coercive pimps could be given the justice that they deserve. 

By regulating the sex trade the underground pimps, addictions, and criminal coercions could be better identified and, once again, given the justice and assistance that is necessary.  Providing regulated sex laws would allow the people who have addictions to not enter a legitimate business, and in turn not spread the diseases or contribute to the other concerns that so many people use as an argument to enforce the laws for this activity.  Given the fact that there are strip-clubs, pornography, and legal brothels in some parts of the country, they can be used as a reference point to verify the ideas in this blog.  Why not attack the “crime” with a proactive approach?  Even with the arrests and sentences that are abundant, the attempt to control this criminal activity is not working.  Moreover, since we live in America (a country that seems to be populated by horn-balls) the regulating of sexual activity for monetary compensation would allow law enforcement to attack the shady characters within the business with better approaches, as well as provide another form of taxation that gives back to the communities.  Again, why not?  Prostitution is never going to be eliminated, and even with the stupid attempts to suppress the activity (john lists, task forces, and crack-downs) the business still remains! 

As aforementioned, this proactive and liberal approach would stop the demonizing of the people who are arrested for this criminal activity, give the ones who need help an avenue to restore themselves, and most importantly, combat the asshole sex traffickers and evil pimps from turning women into slaves.  If there were legitimate and regulated sex businesses any shabby establishments would quickly be noticed; this legalization would also allow law enforcers to participate in investigations towards other activity that needs more attention too.  Overall, prostitution needs to regulated; again, it’s never going to end.  Once law enforcement realizes this then the attacking of the illegitimate business men can be done.  These “crazy” ideas are proactive and preventative measures.  Two characteristics that law enforcement has left in the dust; the fact remains that our society is not the 1950s Cleaver family that some think it is.  It’s time to change, America; time to change.     

