Stupid Bitches, Criminal Justice is for Men!
Another fallacy of the already decrepit criminal justice
system is the sexism involved with it.
Not only is the system mostly run by males, the criminals and victims of
crime are very gender biased as well. Yet again,
the justice and fairness that the practitioners claim to be engaging in is not
exhibited. Using statistics from the Federal
Bureau of Justice Statistics makes the aforementioned sexism validated, and
with the amount of men who are law enforcers, criminals, and victims why does
the criminal justice system claim to be operating on some fair and impartial proclivity? It could be that not many women apply or seek
training for policing, courtroom, and correctional professions, but this does
not seem to be the case as other statistics demonstrate that women have more
formal education and higher intelligence when compared to men, or is it that
the Equal Opportunity Laws are another element of insidious and pretentious
propaganda that the criminal justice system (and civil justice) uses to circumvent the public? Or is it that women realize how many dumb asses are invloved with the system and choose not to work in it? You decide.
As for
the criminals, most of the arrests, convictions, and inmates in jails or
prisons are males. Although there are
women who commit crime and in turn enter the system, the ratio of men who are
criminally involved with the system to women with the same attachments is very
disproportionate. The fact remains that
women have always been discriminated against in the United States (apparently when it comes to criminality too), but for some
unexplained reason the tendency of the criminal justice system has been to
focus on men, this is not to say that the crimes that are responded to are
gender mutual, however the idea that not as many women as men who are arrested,
brought to court, and sentenced is a bit questionable.
victims of crime seem to be getting shafted as well, when you look into the
types of crimes that are committed against women it is noticeable that a
lot (not all) are victims of horrific violent crimes (rapes, assaults, stalking,
and criminal coercions). With this information being presented it brings my
attention to the fact that the criminal justice professionals may be focusing too
much on silly street-level crime, and not the heinous acts that most people
think should be punished more, but it is fair to suggest that the amount of violent crime is not as prevalent as petty street-crime, or that petty crimes should not be taken care of.
this topic is new (new to me) I intend on expanding it more, so please refrain
from huffing and puffing about the content, the fact (notice the word “fact”)
remains that the information that is posited can be validated by putting a little
effort into finding it, research is what is being proposed. Lastly, as gender discrimination continues in all of the components of the criminal justice system I cannot help but
remember that the symbol of the system is a blind-folded women…what the hell is
going on? Are the professionals in the
system always going to be corrupt, sexist, racist, and prejudice? Is there such a thing as justice
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